A Plan for Beauty


When I was asked to share my East Mountain story at a women’s gathering in May, I said “Yes!” to Sherri without a moment’s hesitation. For me, it began 20+ years ago, way before East Mountain was ever launched. So, as I begin to write this, it occurs to me that God really works intimately in our lives. Over time He gives us the desire of our hearts or maybe ….He doesn’t. Regardless, I am an example that His plan is the best plan. Here’s a bit of my story.

In 1999 and 2000 a huge and very enjoyable stage of my life came to an end, by my choice. My business was suffering an inevitable slow death. I had time to accept it and to even consider, “What next.” I believed God had given me a vision to own and operate a beautiful place where I, and others, could facilitate small group retreats. I had attended countless weekend getaways organized by my church or hosted by nationally recognized speakers. Always I went home inspired. But…

What I really craved, was not just an inspirational message, but an environment that allowed time to connect with other women – to begin building relationships that would grow way beyond a wonderful weekend. I also visioned a place intentionally established to show off His beautiful creation. Three times we found an awesome property. Three times the seller accepted our offer. Three times each fell through. “God must not want me to do this after all.”  That was hard and it hurt, and over the next many years there were more spiritual disappointments, but more growth also.

Then, right before COVID hit, I had more reason and hope to renew my dream to find that beautiful place to share with others. There were some promising possibilities; one in particular I had my heart set on. I took Sherri to see it. Meeting my real estate agent there, she tells us the property went under contract the night before. This place had been on the market for months and months. My heart sank. Sherri and I left for coffee, we sat down at a table and I just burst into tears. My desire to use my retirement years to serve God with the vision I was sure He had given me, just wasn’t going to happen.

I don’t remember if it was just a few weeks or months before East Mountain Carolinas bought their property in Greenville. About 20 acres. Beautiful. A six bedroom home with an amazing kitchen. Laid out wonderfully for small group retreats!

These 20 years, God had been preparing me all along. Through all my disappointments, I never lost faith in Him. I just kept looking forward, wondering what would He have me do?

As I write this, I am reminded that doing is not being … doing for Him is not being with Him and in Him. That my friends, I think is the purpose of a place to retreat. As I serve God at East Mountain helping to plan and plant the gardens, I can see His great beauty and His creation bringing joy to others. East Mountain is a gathering place where others can see Him and be with Him. God has given me the desire of my heart.

~~ Judy & her husband Marshall are world travelers whether by power boat, plane, train or RV. They lead our EMC community gardens ministry and are working to bring God’s beauty to all that grows on the property.